Gatewood Press

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A Free Speech

Happy Independence Day. I have two cents worth of thoughts and I’m going to take advantage of my first amendment right to free speech and give them to you. I’m upset with this idea of presidential immunity as espoused by the current Supreme Court. It just seems wrong. I grew up with the idea that no man was above the law. What’s really strange is that I have seen video clips of every current supreme court justice saying exactly the same thing during their confirmation hearings before the Senate. They even added in the thought that this meant the president. I wonder what changed?

It makes me think back to Watergate and Richard Nixon and the pardon that Gerald Ford gave him after he resigned. The preemptive pardon put Nixon out of reach of the law. It was done to help the nation heal from the affects of the Watergate Scandal, but I’m beginning to think that seeing a former president on trial for crimes he committed while in office might have been a good thing for the country. It would have showed everyone truthfully that no man is indeed, above the law. In retrospect, what it showed us was that you can be above the law if you have powerful friends.

Of course, I guess every black man in America already knew that. If you doubt me, go visit the The National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama. You can read about every black man or boy ever lynched for such supposed crimes as whistling at a white woman. There are even pictures of crowds of people above the law simply because they were white, watching the lynching for entertainment. And that my friends, is my two cents worth, on Independence Day, 2024. Welcome to the Imperial Presidency. Hail, Caesar!