Gatewood Press

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A Gathering

Had dinner with a group of local friends last night. Met someone new. He plays jazz guitar, and he had a career building chronometers for the last US based clock manufacturer. We talked about longitude and Greenwich Mean Time. It’s the first time I ever brought up the subject where the guy knew exactly what I was talking about. The rest of the evening was dedicated to plants and trees, and when the fireworks were going to go off at the start of Lights Spectacular in November, the major tree lighting event in our little town.

On the drive home there was a big, full, orange moon hanging in the sky. It was beautiful and it lit up the night and it was still around this morning when I stepped outside in the dark about 4 a.m. And the little buck has gone back to doing whatever he does at night. He showed up this morning on one of the game cameras along the back fence in the neighbor’s pasture. I guess having visited my home he found it lacking in the amenities he needed or wanted. Such is life. With people and animals.

Anyway, I’m off to Houston later today to visit my daughter and babysit the kids. It’s movie night and it basically means we’ll all get to sit together on the big couch while a movie plays. They like my company and I like theirs and we generally have a good time doing nothing but being together. Low pressure stuff for sure. And it’s fun being with children because they’re unconcerned with ulterior motives. They just know you’re being nice to them, and they like it, and they return the favor.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale