Gatewood Press

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A Good Day

It’s a nice day in the neighborhood. The morning air is cool. The bees are buzzing, the birds chirping, and the mosquitos are looking for blood. The downside of rain. We’ve had it. They say more is on the way. Hurricane Beryl might pay us a visit. If it amounts to anything that could be good news for the highland lakes. It will also mean I have to continue mowing. Oh well, I’ve got the tools.

Meanwhile, I’ve had a good week of working in the yard and working around the house. I let my pool go to seed over the winter, and it’s finally back in shape. I have no idea why that makes me feel so good, but it does. I guess we never lose the need to accomplish things. Yesterday I pulled weeds and that felt good, too. I’ll try to wrap that up this morning along with a bit of fence work. I’m keeping the old place in shape for God knows what.

Basically, I like knocking around my house, and I like living small. In a world that feels out of control, it’s a way to feel safe, protected, in control. Although, that’s normally an illusion crafted by the powerless, and I am powerless, which is not the same as valueless. It’s just that there are forces beyond my control who can do with me as they will with little regard for how I might feel about it. So, like any small mammal, I go underground and wait.