Gatewood Press

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A Kitchen Tale

Made a dessert yesterday. Basically flour, butter, pecans, cream cheese, whipped cream, and chocolate pudding, all layered up. By name, we called it Cajun Delight, partly I think because, butter. Anyway, typically it was a dish my wife brewed for our feasts and holidays. I’m unable to recall ever watching her make it, just eating it. That proved a problem yesterday as I was following her terse typed out instructions. Thank God for sisters. I called hers and she walked me through it.

When all was said and done, it passed the taste test. My youngest son and I both had second helpings. It will take us at least a week to finish off what’s left because it was recipe that fed five, and we are two and only occasional dessert eaters. My next shot at it will be a half recipe, just because I think I can do it, although it may be for Christmas and more kids will come with their families (rotating of course, because COVID) and a full recipe may be required.

In other news, the weekend’s rain was a blessing, and the cold is really nice. It’s a good way to start December. The moon was full last night and cast lovely shadows on the pasture and the hills beyond. Later this morning I believe I will warm myself around a campfire, because we have a modest bit of wooden refuse to burn and this morning will be a good morning for that. Tonight, we should get a freeze. I thought we were having one last night, but it disappointed. Oh, well. It’s not the first time I’ve been disappointed by someone or something, nor will it be the last. At least this time, I will be warm and well fed.