Gatewood Press

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A Reinforcement Tale

Several weeks back my good work gloves went missing. Now that sounds like they took off on their own. The truth of the matter, however, is I misplaced them. Don’t ask how. I don’t know. I had them. Then I didn’t. I very patiently walked ever inch of the house, and around the yard, and in the work room, every place I’ve ever laid down a pair of gloves. Nothing. I stopped searching, and thought, they’ll come to me. That proved a vain hope.

So, yesterday, I finally decided I was going to buy a replacement pair. I’d given up. Then my son started pruning on the big trees which included climbing up into them, so I stuck around to help, and clean up. Plus, I thought a guy in a tree on a rope and a sling, might find himself in a situation where a buddy on the ground would come in handy. At one point, in boredom of sorts, I stepped into the newly turned ground for the new flower bed. There on the ground, by the fence, was a glove. I looked for its partner. There on the top rail of the split rail fence was the second one. The good work gloves were united.

I have no idea what to make of this. How, for instance, did I forget what I’d just been doing when the gloves went missing? How did I not see them when I first went looking? In the end, it matters not. I have the gloves and I’m spared the expense of new ones. It’s a nice instance of the universe repairing itself, coming back into alignment. It’s also a nice re-enforcement of my decision to abandon the search and in affect, let the gloves come to me. And come they did, all in the course of things, which in my experience is pretty much how life works in general. You’ll get what you need in due time. Just relax and keep moving forward, and if it doesn’t come, it wasn’t meant to be.