Gatewood Press

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A Season

Well, dang. I anticipated rain all day yesterday. It never came. At least not to me. It was just warm and muggy. Real Texas winter weather. Today, this morning, it is cool outside. So, I imagine whatever front was coming came and this is what we get. Golf weather. Except I won’t be playing golf, I’ll most likely go listen to a bit of music this afternoon and drink a glass of wine.

I went to listen to music last night, visit with friends, and eat a bit of dinner. It was a nice evening out. During the day a friend and I did a little shopping. That was fun. Bought a few things. Not much. No bank account got broken. It nearly happened at the music store, but we restrained ourselves, being adults and all. But it was hard. We kept mixing up need and want and need was winning right up until the end when we slammed it to the floor and walked out the door. I’m pretty sure we’ll be back.

I may spend some time this morning wrapping presents. I have several and it will be nice to get them out of various closets and under the tree. It will give me some sense of normalcy. It feels as though the days of Christmas at my house may be past. The families are just too big now for everyone to gather over an extended period and my old age abode is a bit small. It’s my time to travel, and that’s fine. To everything there is a season, and this is mine.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale