Gatewood Press

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Had a good day in the yard yesterday, despite the heat. It was actually invigorating if you count being drenched in sweat invigorating. But I had chores to do, and I wanted to do them, so I did. I’m mulching beneath a few trees because I think it will look nice, and it will eliminate a place I have to clean with my line trimmer, and it will be good for the trees—an Eve’s Necklace and two mountain laurels. It will hold moisture and keep the ground cool.

In other action, I trimmed the flame leaf sumacs along the back fence. Mostly because I want to see the pasture beyond the fence from the porch they shade. As for the sumacs, they attract birds, are pretty in the fall when their leaves turn, and they serve as a deer deterrent. It’s a multi-talented shrubby little tree, when trained, and I’m training. Of course, there is a legitimate question as to how diligent I will be with said training, but that’s a question for another day. I have been known to embark on a course of action and then stray from the stated course or just wander off.

And finally, I put up new speakers on the back porch because I want to get the back porch back into action. When we first moved into our home we always sat on the back porch in the evening when we had company. It was a good thing, and I’d like to do that again. Return it to being a social place for social people, to sit and enjoy life, enjoy the view, enjoy the music, enjoy one another’s company, and the stars at night. A noble goal, and a thing worth achieving.