Gatewood Press

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All Done

Alleluia. The mulch is moved. The new bed is complete. Took long enough. Although, I really can’t remember when I started it. Back before last Christmas, I believe. The work wasn’t as hard as I thought. I’ve moved three cubic yards of decomposed granite before and that was hard. DG is heavy. The mulch was light. I just shoveled it into a wheelbarrow and dumped it. At first, I thought I might not have enough, but it covered well, and I have some left over.

I think I’m going to mulch the front flower beds. They look pretty ratty, and I’d like to dress them up. It will be easy. They’re small. This is part of my overall effort to shine the place up. It’s going well so far. The new bed looks nice, and I think I can keep it that way. This morning I’ll spray it with a dose of corn gluten to keep weeds from germinating. And I have a ceramic elephant to put out there for a bit of color until I get some plants growing. I’ll have to see what I can do for fall color. Maybe put some in pots.

Anyway, that’s the fun of gardening. Playing with plants and color and the ground and the trees and the life within all of them. Mixing and matching. Painting a picture, growing things. Later today, I might even move the bottle tree that now sits behind the trellis for the Morning Glory, which didn’t do much this year. No rain. The bottle tree didn’t do much either, but what do you expect from a bottle tree?

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale