Gatewood Press

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Almost Done 2

As I suspected, the snow in my little piece of Texas departed the scene with the arrival of the sun. Its exodus sped up when the temperature crossed 32. The pasture is once again wearing its brown winter uniform while the winter greens are still green. The Mountain Laurels and Orchid Tree, which the ice and snow crushed into sodden lumps, are upright and erect, as if nothing happened at all. Granted there are still random piles of snow that managed to find shade, but by and large the landscape has returned.

Nature’s snow removal job should be completed by the end of next week. Last night was our final evening, for a while, of sub-freezing temperatures. The week ahead promises our more temperate, usual winter weather. Of course, less anyone forget, people are still suffering around the state from broken water pipes and lack of water. If you’ve never had water in your house thank whatever deity gives you relief. It’s a miserable experience. At least, I hope, everyone had insurance. That might make the suffering a little more bearable, if any suffering at all is really bearable. More like endured.

This returns me, once again, to the observation that being in a position placidly to admire mother nature, implies a sense of well-being, as in sheltered, fed, comfortable. Maybe even money in the bank. I’d like to think this latest weather event might be a wake-up call, but I know how hard people sleep. So, I’ll simply to note the obvious and move on, although it’s hard once you’ve seen people in pain to forget it. I guess the answer is to help who you can, and hope others are getting the same relief from their family, friends, and neighbors.