Gatewood Press

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We’re baking. Got up last night about three. This was my second night at home in two weeks. Wandered out into the dark. The porch thermometer said, 85. I went back in and dreamed of snow. Seriously, snow was in my dream. So, was my late wife. Sort of. I never saw her. I arrived late to wherever we were and was told where she was. It was a nice old house. I was glad for her. Strange dream.

Anyway, here I am. Up and awake, trying to get my feet back on the ground. I’ll only be home for a week. Then it’s back to Houston. I’ve got to do some grocery shopping. The cupboards are bare. I started shopping last night by getting something for breakfast today. It’s the most important meal, at least for me. Plus, it’s easy. Fewer choices and certainly easier prep times.

Given all my travels, with more on the books, I’m beginning to wonder when I’ll get to the next stage of my fence project. That bothers me. But only a bit. Sometimes these things just take time and being with family and being with friends and living life seem a bit more important that a wooden fence. And maybe the weather will cool and that would be a good time to build. We’ll see.