Gatewood Press

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Blooms and Rain

Woke up to a wet driveway. That’s a good sign and it looks as though there’s a good chance of rain everyday this week. That, too, is a good sign. It also should be good for the wildflowers because they always like a little bit of water. I suppose some of it might even trickle down into the aquifers and keep the rivers running. But we need a flood to get the lakes back in shape. A flood.

Another good sign is the light green, new growth foliage frosting one of my Mountain Laurels, the one sitting to the left of the Eve’s Necklace as you come down the drive. It gets more sun that does the one on the right, which sits further beneath the overhanging limbs and leaves of the Eve’s Necklace. Neither of them put on much of a blooming show this year. They simply popped out a few purple flowers and called it a day. Slow growers, taking their time. I think they could do with a flood, too.

Overall, things are looking good on the growth front. Trees are leafing out. Flowers are blooming. Grass is growing. I’ve got lots to do, and having lots to do is a good thing, although it’s been a little too nippy for  me to want to do much of anything other than sit around and stay warm. Wow, that sounds lazy. When I worked outside in my youth, it was rain or shine, warm or cold. Oh, well. I was so much younger then. I’m older than that now.

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