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Book News

A new book is in the works. The Seasons: A Caregiver’s Tale. It will be a nature book about the hill country from the vantage point of my little home, which is a tiny spot, but so was Walden Pond, and I’m making no comparative claims, except that you can sit in one place and think. My trusty editor has combed through nearly 1,500 entries over the last seven years and selected about 700 from which I will pick the finalists. If we hold true to form, after edits and re-writes, it will be about 200 pages. Due out this fall.

One thing I’ve noticed, in reading those old writings, is how my life has changed over the last eight years. It’s tempting to talk about the arc of my story, but I don’t see it that way. It works for people who have careers in the public eye, sports figures and entertainers, but I’m neither. I’m just a guy who worked his way along. There were comfortable wide spots, tight binds, and heavily wooded areas I never thought I’d see my way through, but generally my life has just been about moving forward. At the moment, I’m doing some hard traveling but I’m pretty sure its survivable with the help of friends and family.

Of course, somewhere down the line, I’ll do a book about grief, because that’s where I am right now. I try write around it in these daily posts, but it’s hard to miss, and I figure what’s the point of avoiding the obvious, especially if you’re supposed to write about what you know. Besides, going back to the original point about my life, it goes through phases and this is definitely a phase. So, onward we go feeding birds, feeding cats, feeding the plants and trying to keep a positive outlook through it all. Grateful for readers new and old.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale.