Gatewood Press

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Brain Time

Well, that was interesting. A night of dreams. Literally. I went to sleep, dreamed, woke up and did that four times. Four dreams. The first featured my father. The other three were at a gathering of some sort. Felt church like. I think there were pews. I was doing things, like opening doors. My late wife was in the final one. Don’t recall seeing her face. We ended up in her car going to my car to get a microfiber cloth to clean my glasses. That’s a weird detail to remember. For some reason, she said, “They broke you.” No idea who she meant. I do remember thinking, “No they didn’t.” But I couldn’t get it out. Didn’t get my glasses cleaned either. Woke up and here I am.

I was going to write about my growing grass and blooming bushes. The Barbados cherry has flowers. In December. So, too, do the coral sage. Pretty little red blooms. I even mowed yesterday. The big yard and the Tiff yard. Did the latter with my push mower. The walking was good for my back. So, too was a visit to my doctor who said my hips were out of alignment and popped them back into alignment. That eased the pain. I’m sore this morning, but that should go away. But now I’m writing about dreams, which seems way more interesting than flowers and a bad back.

Unsure what to make of last night’s dreams. But I liked having them mostly because it means I got to REM sleep which is the good deep sleep. And dreaming makes me feel alive. My brain is working. Telling me stories. And it was good to see my dad again. He was dressed well in a nice topcoat, which was not really his style, but could have been. Because I always thought he looked like William Holden. And the other dreams had me doing things and spending a bit of time with my wife. Some dream theories say I was consolidating memories. That sounds right, as though I’m packing away the old and making way for new memories. Way to go brain.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale