Gatewood Press

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I’ve going to dive right into the mundane. Standing over a sink of hot soapy water, washing dishing, makes me feel good. The hot water feels good. The clean dish feels good. The moment when I’m all done feel’s good. And this isn’t a new thing. When I was in the seminary as a youth, we all had to take turns in the kitchen. And even then. I liked bringing order out of chaos. Dirty dishes into the big washer, clean ones out.

And now that I’ve shared that, I have no idea why. Except that it’s something to write about, and it seems a little peculiar, and sometimes peculiar things are interesting. And you never know until you share them. And there it is, my little peculiar thing. Although, I guess anyone who knows me, might say, that’s hardly my most peculiar thing.

But that’s probably food for thought or maybe a conversation down the road. Although sometimes people don’t like to comment on your peculiar things, or let you know they think they’re peculiar, because they might feel it’s bad form. They’d just prefer to avoid it, or live with it, because maybe it’s part of my charm or what they think is charming, because I can guarantee you, not everyone agrees on what makes someone charming especially when it comes to peculiar things.