Gatewood Press

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Circle of Life

Sunset at the end of a rainy day.

Hooray for the Gulf of Mexico. Thanks for all the water. Got a good bit yesterday. My gauges are at an inch and a half since Saturday morning. It looks though we’re in for another dosing today. Lots of good music got cancelled yesterday. That’s too bad. Luckily, all the musicians I know favor rain. Partly, I guess because they know what summer is like in Texas, and rain is only in the discussion as something missing.

Since I was inside, I bit the bullet and bought a new tent. It’s big, 10X10, for one guy. But it has lots of windows, and I like the space. Room for a cot, and a fan, even a little chest of drawers for my clothes, and a chair. The old tents are headed to the landfill. I wish I could recycle them, but there’s little chance of that. In my defense we had them a long time and they got good use, if you call camping once a year good use. We used to do it all the time. I have no idea why we slacked off, but we did. I suspect advancing age and comfort had something to do with it.

For a good while, I had a bit of property we used for hunting and recreation. We always used a tent, rain or shine, freezing weather or hot. There we were wrapped in canvas. That was a stout, hefty tent, fit for a family of five, or two hunters shivering in their sleeping bags. Good times. Then we got a little money and discovered hotels. Vacations got tagged on to business trips, we saw the world, and sent the kids to camps. That was good, too. In fact, I just got word my granddaughter is headed to the camp her mother attended. I believe that’s part of the circle of life.

If you’re interested, John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale.