Gatewood Press

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Cold Day

Christmas day snow in Alvin, TX. 2004.

It’s in the 30s. I know some of my readers will think, oh to be there, but to be fair, it’s still cold. So, it’s sort of a shared experience. Except no snow. The Northeast is about to get blasted with true winter weather. My daughter and her little family will be heading that way come the day before Christmas. That will be nice. A white Christmas. I’ve had a few of those. The last one was in Alvin. Hard to believe, I know, but it snowed. Buckets. Or, however, you measure snow.

Next week, the temperatures are expected to drop even further around here. And the Hill Country will feel like Christmas, except I’ll be in Houston. It’s the first Christmas at my daughter’s new house. And I’m the roving participant, which is fitting. I can remember the days when we told all the grandparents we were staying home on Christmas day with the three kids, and if they wanted to see them, come. Luckily, they all lived right in Houston. So, no big deal. We’re more spread out these days, and sleeping arrangements are an issue.

I do believe that might be what’s termed a first world problem. How to fit in all the grandparents when they live all over the countryside. We’ll abide and make do. I like to be flexible. I never have enjoyed being the stone in anyone’s shoe. I’d rather be the warm sock they want to slip on when the floors are cold. Comfortable, embracing, nice to have around. It’s a lot easier to do these days, now that I’m no longer so tightly wound. It’s a relief and maybe it’s why I’ve enjoyed the holidays so much this year. I just let them flow.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale