Gatewood Press

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Cold Morning

It’s a fuzzy slipper heavy robe type of morning. Luckily, I have fuzzy slippers and a heavy robe. I’ve had both for a long time. It might be time for an upgrade. But well-worn fuzzy slippers and heavy robe are soothing, and I doubt anyone who sees me in them well ever think, jeez, get some new duds. Mostly it’s my kids and their kids and they’ve seen me in these fuzzy slippers and heavy robe on many occasions and I suspect they simply view them as they view me, a guy they know who got old or maybe never aged at all because I never thought of my father as old until right before the end.

On the weather front, it’s clear and cold which is why it’s fuzzy slipper heavy robe time. I checked the rain gauge when I fed the cats this morning. Our latest rain event netted us nearly two inches of rain. That feels good because it fell over the span of several days, so I know that most of it probably soaked into the well deserving ground to nourish tiny bluebonnets and other trees and plants. That means we might have a really nice spring, especially if mother nature can manage several more such events over the coming months.

I was a little late feeding cats and writing this morning because I slept in again. I went to a house concert last night to hear Christmas music and hang out with friends. It was tons of fun. And we all had a good time. Several people danced. The clear cold weather was just settling in, and we wrapped things up before the temperature dipped into the 40s. Bonus, there was no wind, just good singing and playing and a snow machine. You can’t beat that. I’ll hear more music this afternoon, which is a great way to end November and kick off the first week of December, dancing and singing my way on to Christmas.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale