Gatewood Press

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Yesterday morning, all I could tell you about the rain was that it was falling. Today, this morning, I am able to report in what volume. Nearly, two inches. And that mostly fell yesterday afternoon and through the night. How do I know this? Well, I bought a plastic rain gauge. Then I got the mail. My rain gauge portfolio doubled when I opened a box containing a small glass rain gauge. A gift from a college friend. It feels nice being back in the rain measuring business.

The rain continues to fall this morning. I will measure it, dutifully. And report if need be. Although, usually, such reports are only news when a goodly amount falls after an absence of such falling. Such is the case today. We are in a drought of sorts, and a dry spring was shaping up to deliver a drier summer. The current three-day rain event is most welcome. I do believe, however, we will need one or two more such events to get us out of the woods. Fingers crossed.

One thing I know for sure is that when the sun shines, I’m going to finish the flower bed I started back before Christmas. It’s a big one along the fence that marks the northern boundary of our front property. I stopped for the holiday, then the ground dried and digging became hard and I just lost interest. Now, with wet ground I’ll be back. Weeds and Bermuda will bend to my will. Weed barrier will go down. Mulch spread. I will give a primal yell. No, not really. I’ll just be happy, which seems a good outcome and it doesn’t really need me hollering.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale