Gatewood Press

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Day Care

I usually sleep on my left side. And when my body requires a break, which it often does at night, I switch to the right. And back and forth I go. But when there’s a big bandage on the left side of your head covering most of your ear, starting on the left side is no longer an option. So, last night I started on my right and went to my back when I needed a break. But I seldom sleep on my back which meant a mostly right side night. And that doesn’t feel earth shaking at all until you have to do it.

But, the little app on my watch says I got about six hours of sleep last night, which feels about right. I usually like to get seven or more, but I napped a lot yesterday. So, I’ll take six and be happy. I have no big decisions scheduled for today. It’s just me and the grandson. We might run some errands. We might not. It will just be a day of puttering indecision. I’ll also take off the big bandage and replace it with a little one. That will require a decision, but only to bandage size. I can handle that on six hours of sleep.

And now it’s on to the day. I have my coffee. And the house will begin to stir as my daughter prepares for work and the grand-kids get ready for day care. Of course, the boy is with me today and we’re still trying to help him understand this is a punishment for misbehaving and he’s missing a really fine field trip, but I can tell he thinks chilling with grandpa is pretty cool and I guess we’ll just have to let it go at that. But I’m coming back soon to give the granddaughter her day, because it just seems right and that will be her reward for going along with the program. A wink and a nod, if you will.