Gatewood Press

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Day Two

Disappointment. None of my doctor’s appointments yesterday went as planned. At the dentist, the crown was too small by a fraction. They’ll add porcelain. I’ll go back tomorrow to see how they did. At the skin surgeon, the wound in my ear is still healing. There’s a troublesome little area where the skin was tight. I have two weeks to get it right. If I fail, I’ll have to go back and see what’s next.

On the school front, however, it was bells and celebrations all around. The first day went off without a hitch and the after school activities hit the spot. The little boy loves his karate and the young lady thinks she wants to sign up for gymnastics. To celebrate we went out to dinner and ended the day with a FaceTime call with their father to recap things. Now for day two.

They’re up at at’em again, and I think we make our kids get up too early for school. But what are you gonna do in a day and age when everyone works and the big boss want’s you there at eight. Go. That’s what. And I just got back from taking the kids to school and so the second day is underway. They still seemed chipper and ready to go and that’s nice to see. I hope they always have a love for school and learning.