Gatewood Press

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It’s done. Our day of music is in the books. We set up the gear beneath the shelter of a large outdoor pavilion, but pounding rain on a metal roof plays to a louder beat than even the most well amplified guitar. We were chased inside. Luckily, there was an inside. An old church hall with newly refurbished floors, air conditioning, and shelter from the storm. We tore down, moved, set back up, and were on the air in minutes. A miracle of teamwork.

This music community within which I run is a nice family, and like family does, the offers to help flowed in. Friends helped us move. Helped us set up. Helped us tear down. Helped us back up. There was help all around. That was nice for me, because I was working mostly one handed, which is fine in lots of instances, but not so good when you’re trying to move a large speaker.

In the end, the rain cleared, the sun came out, cool breezes blew, and we crowned a winner for the 2023 version of Songwriter Serenade. Then we moved the equipment one final time for the judges show, before packing it all in and getting ready to head home, which is what I will do when I finish typing this and putting it out there for the world to see. And Happy Mother’s Day.