Gatewood Press

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Drink Up

The sweet smell of rain is hanging in the cool air this morning. The grass sparkles with dew. Everything looks soft and alive. Makes me miss the Gulf Coast where moisture is in the air every day. Feels good on the skin and it’s probably good for it, too. I know I’m supposed to concentrate on hydration, so it stands to reason that water on the outside would help as well. Keeps that skin soft.

That’s my new thing, actually. Staying hydrated. Apparently, as you age the idea of drinking water becomes an inconvenience. Coffee doesn’t count, either. Just water. Or sports drinks with electrolytes. But no sugar. I had a good water day yesterday, along with exercise. I went to bed at my normal time, woke once, took a drink, went back to sleep. Got up at seven. Nice. Apparently, we’re water children.

I hope I can maintain the pace. My late wife was a fanatic about her skin. Drank water. Stayed out of the sun. Used hand and face lotions. Her skin was soft and wonderful. I miss it and her. But she started as a child, and it was second nature to her. I’m going to try, but when you’re late to this sort of game, it’s hard to keep up. Still, I think its probably an essential activity in terms of general health. Water. Good for plants. Good for animals. Good for me. Cheers.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale