Gatewood Press

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Essence of Love

I spent the weekend in the company of friends. Two days. All centered around music and food. I even had a Zoom call where I was sung to, and as an added bonus I saw friends from the Netherlands. It’s one of those times, when you realize you’re lucky to be living in such a technologically advanced age. On Sunday evening I got to watch a mother and son cook a meal, in person, where the daughter/grand-daughter baked cookies. How sweet is that?

All the music, except the Zoom call obviously, was outside and nicely distanced, lots of people wore masks, and since I’m lucky enough to have my vaccine and still mostly wear a mask, I took advantage of the cool breezes and outdoor spaces to feel human once again. That was sweet too. I am heartily glad winter is almost over, spring is among us, and summer will soon arrive in all its sweltering glory. Of course, I’ll probably be cursing the sun come July, but that’s another story and just human nature.

I also got to talk about my wife, because lots of my friends knew her and know I still miss her. And their solicitous concern says nice things about their humanity, and truth be told, I’m pretty sure I’ll never tire of talking about her if someone is willing to listen. Granted, I teared up a time or two, but when you’re hanging out with writers and poets and singers and songwriters and the people who love them, what’s a tear for the departed among friends except the essence of love?

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale