Gatewood Press

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Fasting Labs

Fasting labs used to be no big deal. But that was before the routine was a carefully mapped out journey from dawn to dusk. Now they’re a break in the schedule, I have to write it down on the white board to remember it, and I have to wrap my mind around the idea of no coffee no food before the blood draw. And what’s really strange is that I’m only awake for about three hours, maybe four, at the tale end of the fast. Should be really doable, and I don’t understand why it feels so mythic. I guess the good thing about this little permutation is that it’s simply the way we start my annual physical. It could be worse.

And the physical went off without a hitch yesterday. I got a pneumonia vaccine. I have to take the second one in a year. Luckily, we have those monster smart phones, so there are reminders galore. It appears I’m in moderately good health except with the things that go along with getting old, decaying or semi-clogged pipes, a touch of arthritis, and dry skin, although that’s really just a winter condition. I remarked that it would be nice to have a way to put lotion on my back and then remembered the ubiquitous online retailer. I now have one on order. Progress.

Now I have to figure out what to do with this moderately good health. Although, just keep on living seems to be what’s called for. Happy for the days. Happy for my friends. Happy for the wind on my cheeks. Happy for the lady who helps clean my house. Although, I have to say that sparkly windows are a real pick me up and I did those. I even got excited and cleaned the outside of the back door yesterday. Scrubbed it down. I’m going to paint it next. It feels good to be a grime fighter. I can feel the power washer calling out my name.