Gatewood Press

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The spiderworts must have heard all the blooming noise the bluebonnets made. They’ve decided to start coming up. They’re a nice springtime delicacy. Purple flower and yellow stamens. The lacy oaks have joined the blooming parade, and I can see tassels on the big oaks. Spring is well underway even though the mornings are still chill and there’s always the possibility of an April frost. I guess if you’re a flowering plant, you just power through and bloom, and take what the weather gives.

I guess today is the day I’ll actually trim out the deadwood from the turks caps and lantanas. I’ve procrastinated because the work involves bending and picking up. But the result is nice, and the new growth looks fresh and clean when it comes, and it’s already started. Better appearance for the garden all around, I think. Should be easy to do. I’ll just use my pole saw with its miniature chainsaw and its new blade. Power tools. Cool stuff.

On a sad note, one of the Maria Pavia roses bit the dust. I was hoping it would revive in the spring. No such luck. I suspect it’s passing was a combination of drought and too much shade from the big crape myrtle. I think I’ll get another and try again. Whatever happens, it will give me a good excuse to go to the antique rose emporium in Brenham. If you’ve never been, you ought to go. It’s worth the trip. Lots of ideas for the garden and roses, roses, roses. Hard to go wrong, if only for the views and scents.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale