Gatewood Press

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It’s really hard to beat a day at the cotton gin. So, I didn’t even try yesterday. Mostly I planned my dinner for tonight. Company is coming and I need to fix a proper dinner. I had to go shopping for that, buy fresh vegetables and chicken, that sort of thing. I also experimented with frying corn tortillas and coating them in sugar and cinnamon. That worked really well. I’ll do a big batch today. It’s for the dessert. I might take pictures, but food pictures are hard. They never look as good as people think they do.

Late in the afternoon, I had a weird psychic meltdown. I literally felt as though I didn’t know what I was doing, and nothing made sense. Maybe it was a panic attack. I used to have those. It would feel like I couldn’t breathe. This just felt like I couldn’t think. I was lost and dislocated. That’s when I decided to go shopping for my food because it meant doing something and that always helps. But I got inside the store, and it was hard to find the things I wanted so I started to bail. Bought a birthday card and left. Then I decided that was silly. So, I went back in and forced myself to be methodical. It worked. The universe started making sense again and I got my groceries.

I went to bed early, about 8:30 and slept right through until five. I feel rested this morning and my brain isn’t all hot and fuzzy. That’s nice. I have company coming tonight, tomorrow, and Friday, when my kids pull in carrying guitars and good cheer. I was supposed to play at a little show on Saturday, but it got cancelled because of weather. So, it will be the Wilson family band making a joyful noise in the house. And if you hear the music when you’re passing by stop in and play a bit or just sit and listen. It’s free.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale