Gatewood Press

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Frosty Morn

There’s frost on the ground and a chill in the air, but the temperature will rise into the seventies today. Spring might be on the way. I think I’ll walk around and inventory the bluebonnets. They were looking good and plentiful before I left, but they should be taller now with all the cold and moisture. Fingers crossed. Lots of other things have risen to mowing height. I see no reason why the bluebonnets should be lagging behind.

I got a lot done yesterday. All of it mundane. I washed clothes. Shopped for groceries. Opened mail. And made room for the lady who helps keep my house tidy. It felt like a good and productive day, and I got another sound night’s sleep. Close to seven hours. How do I know this? My watch keeps tabs and reports to my phone. The goal is eight, but that’s hard to come by. Still, seven is sound and nothing to be sneezed at. I think I’ll take a long walk today, that always helps bring on the sleep.

Meanwhile, I’m getting ready for a weekend of babysitting the grandkids. It was easier when I did it as a team with my wife, but she’s gone and there’s just me. That’s okay. I managed our three kids when left alone. I guess I can handle two, even at my age. All I need to know are the family rules and the official bedtime. We’ll take walks, maybe go shopping, and I’ll bring my binoculars and we’ll go bird watching. I bought them each a book and binoculars for Christmas. There’s a hobby that lasts a lifetime, and a nice way to remember grandpa.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale