Gatewood Press

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Game Time

Went to a college football game last night. That’s about all I can say. We lost. I can tell you why. The other team out scored us. Pretty simple actually. There was a time when I might have tried to dissect the play of my team. Do an analysis. Come up with answers. But those days are long past. Now, I sit and watch. These are kids playing a kids game. Their kids beat our kids. I have little to add.

We take the field again next week. I hope we do better. There are people who get a great deal of money to make it so. I hope they do. For the sake of the kids and for the sake of us, the fans. Of course, if we win, the other team has to lose, and then they’re sad, but you can’t have it both ways. It’s a zero sum game in that regard. I think if you want people to feel good about themselves and life then you should probably avoid sporting contests because of that winning and losing business.

And when it comes to winning and losing, it’s a little weird how invested we’ve become with our teams, at all levels. Parents pay a lot of money these days to get their kids on good teams. And they pay a lot of money to get them coached. And we pay college coaches a lot of money. And now college players can make money for their name image and likeness. And it’s sort of semi-crazy what’s going on and how much money is flowing around. But ever since the days of Rome it’s obvious we like circuses and they’ll give them to us as long as we buy the tickets, and I’ve got two. So, see you next week.