Gatewood Press

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Good Day

It’s a new day, but aren’t they all? Last week was sort of weepy for me. Lost a good friend, had a bit of a medical scare, and got hit with an unexpectedly big wave of missing my wife. It all found me washed up on the shores of a party celebrating the life of another friend who passed several years back. That, as it turns out, was a bit of high ground because I was surrounded by friends and music, was part of something bigger than me, and it gave me a chance to get my bearings.

I’m back to looking forward. I’m going to see my son and his family tonight, play golf with my brother later in the week, and while that’s going on, I’ll be planning a short hiking trip with a friend. Now, I know all this confessing, might seem less than manly to some, but I’ve discovered there are lots of people willing to help me through things, and sharing is how it gets done. So, I sort of view this as a letter to a big support group who also may have troubles of their own and find it nice to know they’re not alone. And in helping me, they benefit as well.  Studies show that helping others makes you feel good.

And while we’re on the subject of feeling good. The other big thing one can do to feel better is smile, on your own, for no particular reason. It works. Again, there are studies, it’s science. Don’t believe me? Then crack a smile, right now. You’ll be surprised. And aren’t we all attracted to people who smile? Of course, we are. Think about your friends. I bet they’re all smiling. And I’m going to climb down off the soapbox now and get ready for my day. I think it will be a good one, and I’m smiling. See?

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale