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Good Things

It was a fixit day yesterday. The AC/Heat was performing poorly. It was heating but no air seemed to be coming from the vents. That felt odd because a new fan motor was installed about two weeks ago. So, out came a technician. He thumped around in the attic for about 30 minutes, and when he came down, he was smiling. A mysterious electronic component was installed incorrectly causing the fan to run backwards. He switched it. Everything works. My house is warm. Let’s hear it for Occam and his razor.

In other good news, Pluto is leaving Capricorn and going to Aquarius. According to all the TikTok’s in my feed, that’s good news for me because I’m a Cancer having been born in July. Remember how I felt after climbing Guadalupe Peak? I felt like I was entering a new phase in my life. According to one website, “…Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius jump-starts the sector of your chart that governs transformation.” Seriously, my stars are aligning. There’s about to be a new me, and my heating system works. Can the world take it?

I suppose it can. I’ve been around for a while and I’ve remade myself so many times, I’ve lost count. As I’ve said before, it’s just one of the benefits of moving around the country as a child, which I did. You learn how to let go of things. You learn how to look ahead. You learn how to adjust. You learn how to fit into your current reality and make it work for you. You learn to be happy with where you are, with what you have. I’ll still strive for things, that’s in my nature, too. But the rest of the world will have to spin along on its own. I’ll hope one or two good things spin my way, of course. And they probably will because that’s something else I’ve learned. Good things often come, and they often come when you least expect them.