Gatewood Press

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I’m going to pick grapes this morning. I have some mustang grapes on my fence, but these are malbec. I like malbec. It seems fitting that I should pick some grapes. I like wine, and I like the folks who run the vineyard where I’ll pick, Texas Heritage. My only experience with picking grapes for wine comes from I Love Lucy, which is a funny bit if you’ve ever seen it. It’s right up there with her working in the chocolate factory or The Vitameatavegimen Commercial.

I doubt, however, there will be any such shenanigans today. Other friends have picked and while they say it was fun, it wasn’t Lucy fun. Just ordinary, being with nice people fun. And that seems pretty good to me. We’re picking early because it will get hot later and none of us really need hot. It’s good with coffee and tea, but not so much for skin and bodies, especially old ones like mine. Although, hot tubs are nice. So, maybe that’s an exception. And there are always exceptions because that’s just how things work.

And that’s it for today. If I come across any revelations, I’ll let you know tomorrow. I’m always coming across revelations. It’s one of the nice things about writing every day. I think about stuff, learn things, and then write them down. Sometimes they’re interesting, sometimes they’re useful, and sometimes I imagine people get done reading and wonder, what the hell was that? Welcome to my life, because that’s what this is all about. Warts and all.