Gatewood Press

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Turks Caps to the left, Rock Roses to the Right, all ready to bloom, soon.

What a day. I trimmed. I mowed. I cleaned. My gosh a veritable whirlwind of activity. I even cleaned the hard-to-reach places where I know no one will look. Maybe it’s the steroids I’m taking for my sinuses. Maybe it’s just me feeling good. Who knows? But I’ll take it. I’m not even going to worry if I can maintain it. It is what it is. I’m going to enjoy it.

I think the wet weather mixed with sun is playing a large role in my pleasure. Everything is growing and looking really, really good. The new leaves have filled out the big oaks and you’d never know they were nearly bare several weeks ago, victims of a hard, hard freeze. There’s also my upcoming river trip, which for the first time in about five years is something I’m anticipating; I’m even taking my guitar for the first time in forty to play a few songs.

Apparently, life is what you make of it and sorrow is a thread woven throughout. So, I’m just going to wear it, because as I mentioned yesterday, there are still a lot of good things to enjoy and remember in this life and I’m grateful for all of them. And I believe gratitude is powerful medicine. Plus, it’s free. No prescription required. All you need to do is look around, and think, this is nice, aren’t I lucky, and I am. And if you’re a friend, thanks for being there.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale