Gatewood Press

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I See

I will admit. I am a fan of feng shui. Thus, the drive to our home curves in front of the house, and the path to our front door is clear and uncluttered. I can stand at the end of the drive and watch the morning sun rise, the light streams down the path beneath the over hanging branches of the big oaks. Standing there is a nice way to start the day. I did it this morning.

There is something refreshing about early morning sun on the grass and dew, on the leaves and branches. The first light that rolls around the curve of the earth is softer than the noonday light that falls hard and straight. The morning light has touched the earth and the plants, unfocused, like children spilling out of school, chattering, happy, heading home, coming to my home.

And the first sunlight wakes the air and the plants, and it starts to move, and you can see it in the leaves and feel it on the skin. And beneath the big oaks the rock roses open pink flowers in greeting. The big crape myrtle is pink, too, and when the wind blows the flowers fall to the ground to carpet the drive, a flowerly welcome for guests and visitors or a private pleasure for me, as it is this morning. A thing I see, because I choose to look.