Gatewood Press

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I’m Walkin’

Being lost in space and time has its advantages, except when you want to get things done, and forget that Monday was a national holiday. So, no bank, no post office, no courthouse. I did manage to get the flat tires fixed for the mower, that was nice, and get to the cemetery, on foot. The latter covered about 2.5 miles coming and going. It was a nice walk, and my city looks different on foot than it does from a car window.

The first thing I noticed was the elevation changes, which stands to reason when you think about it. The town was built on the banks of the Pedernales River. There’s bound to be some slope. My digital companion tells me there was 83 feet of up and down. That got the heart going at a decent rate, but not so much that I ever felt winded. Mostly what I noticed were the houses, smallish comfortable abodes, a duplex here and there, yards in various states of repair, and several dogs to bark me down the street.

The cemetery was quiet, and I don’t think my wife was at all surprised to see me show up on foot, since she probably knew about the plan from the beginning. After my visit I hoofed it on back home, taking a slight detour to see some of the art galleries up close. The entire affair took less than an hour, and I encountered no other foot traffic. It was just me and my lonely feet walking down the street carrying my heartache home.