Gatewood Press

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In the Forest

Gregg’s Mist Flower

This is the spring of the two blooms. My oaks are putting on new leaves, again. Nice. It’s as though the first bloom, was like, okay we’re going to do this because have to, but that freeze might come back so let’s not be hasty. Now that the weather has warmed, however, and no freeze appears imminent they have decided apparently, it’s okay to release the rest of their leaves. Now. Here they come.

It makes me feel good seeing the new leaves which ties in nicely with my overall feeling of wellness. I was a little worried this past weekend, while I was listening to music and visiting with friends and hugging people that I might be enduring a manic episode, although that’s not something I’ve ever had to deal with. It’s just that I’ve felt poorly for so long, with my wife’s illness and then death last year, I was suspicious. Three cheers for spring and rebirth.

Of course, I’m not out of the woods, but I think I can see sunlight. It might only be a clearing but that’s okay. As I believe I’ve said before, these things take time. And I might never totally get out of the woods. And maybe I don’t want to get out of the woods at all because perhaps we actually live in the woods and simply get lost sometimes. Then it’s just up to us to either pretend we know where we are and go on about our business, or realize we weren’t really lost at all, it just felt like it.  

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale