Gatewood Press

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Keeping Track

I was in Fredericksburg yesterday when the clouds opened up and the bottom dropped out. It was slow driving in the pelting rain, but I savored the moment because I knew 20 plus miles away it was unlikely my little patch of turf was getting much at all. So, while it rained big buckets to the west it only rained tiny buckets at my house, less than half an inch. Still, that much rain spread around is a good thing and my plants look rejuvenated. From what I can tell, the sky is still gray this morning, and we may get a bit more rain today.

I was in town to get my bulging abdominal aorta checked. At some point it might need repair. At least I know it’s there. Ordinarily, it’s a fairly silent killer because it’s relatively rare. Apparently, most of the time a fellow is just walking around, the balloon pops inside you, and people are crying as you lay dying. I guess if I’m in for a surprise ending it will have to come from another direction, like it almost did the other day when I resisted the urge to be a petulant fool while driving my car. And doesn’t it seem as though the world has an infinite number of ways to kill you. It feels like we’re dodging bullets all the time.

But enough of that. I actually feel pretty today. Company’s coming this evening, I’m getting a haircut this morning, and later today I’ll visit a friend and check out some golf clubs that might exchange hands. And there’s the rain to be thankful for, the doctor who discovered my aneurysm, the food in my refrigerator, the coffee in my cup, and the people who give me warm hugs. I think it’s safe to say there’s a long list of gratitude inducing things in my life and I’m going to do my best to remember them and call them to mind, and I do hope it rains a bit more this morning.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale