Gatewood Press

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Looking Back

The cold has come, and it will come again next week, except next time it will bring reinforcements. We’ll be in for a hard freeze. Okay, I’m fine with that. It gives me a chance to wear my coats and jackets and sweaters and sweatshirts and flannels and long sleeves, an entirely different wardrobe look and that’s good. When it gets right down to it, I’m not really a shorts and short sleeve guy anyhow. I prefer long pants and long sleeves. Who knows why.

If my fireplace worked, I’d even have a fire. But the box is too small and doesn’t draw well enough. An architect’s oversight and one not easily corrected. I’m thinking about putting in gas. A young man came out before the new year and discussed my options. I’ve yet to see a quote. I’ll have to follow up. I think he assumed the office had my contact information. I thought it did, too, actually. Since I’ve heard nothing, I believe both of us were wrong. It will give me something to do today.

I spent most of yesterday wrestling with my computer and a wonky software package. I think I got everything straightened out. It used to be that everyone had a computer at home. Now they have tablets and phones, and no one really sits in front of screen very much these days except hackers, investment bankers, and odd old men like me who like the big screen and remember fondly the days of the command prompts, batch files, and 30 meg hard-drives which seemed vast and unimaginably difficult to fill up. And before that were the days of fax machines, letters, and IBM Selectric Typewriters. Both slightly slower times. And my how things have changed.