Gatewood Press

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Still waters of a creek after a big rain.

I had something to say, yesterday. Now I can’t remember what it was. Dang. That puts a real crimp in my writing plans. I hope by starting to write I’ll remember what it was. But there’s a good chance I’ll get to the end and still not remember. Forgetting these ideas happens sometimes, which is why I try to write things down. But this seemed so blindingly obvious I demurred. Big mistake.

Now, it’s peeking around the corner wanting to reveal itself, but still refusing to come out into the light. Perhaps it was one of those ideas best left unsaid. That happens sometimes. I realize there’s no way to say something without it coming across as offensive and I just stop and go back, say it some other way, or just don’t say it at all. This may be something like that, and my brain, being trained, is hiding it on purpose. That’s okay, but I think I’d like more of a say in the matter.

Perhaps, if it comes back to me later today, I can evaluate it. Of course, I’ll have to determine if it’s the idea of yesterday or a new idea entirely. For instance, I still want to write about a plant with a little yellow flower, but I need a positive ID of the flower and I know what that’s all about, so the idea I’ve forgotten can’t be that, because I remember about the flower. Oh, well. Now here I am close to the end still unable to remember what it was I wanted to say and no hope of recovering the lost idea, at least today. Sigh, maybe tomorrow.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale