Gatewood Press

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Love and Affection

Got a sweet text from my daughter last night. While driving in the car yesterday, the kids had a discussion about how much they miss me. Then yesterday at a dinner party I got praised for my music and my writing. Two nice ego boosts and can’t we all use some of those. It feels good to be missed and equally good to be appreciated, although in the latter case I sometimes find it hard to accept compliments. But that’s another story.

So, now I have two more building blocks for my self-esteem which is one of the most fragile constructs in the universe. Not mine in particular, but self-esteem in general. Although perhaps mine is more fragile than others. I don’t really know. I just know it feels good to be loved and praised and I wonder why we don’t do more of it. Seems pretty easy, but it has to be genuine. Lip-service love and praise is worth next to nothing.

All I know is the love and praise that came my way yesterday felt genuine, and I appreciated it. It makes me feel good because I think at it’s core it all evolves down to the idea of feeling wanted and valued. The kids miss me. They want me back. My friends appreciate me, brag about me, and a new friend thinks maybe I want to know more about this person. And therein lies the magic thread ties us all together and bolsters us against the days when the news may not be so sweet.