Gatewood Press

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Lowish Day

Today feels like a low running river, there’s movement if you look close, but there are plenty of pools of stagnant water. The high point of last Thursday with doctors and driving and music rolled up against the banks last night in a dinner with friends and now I’m home and the week stretches out before me. There are days to be filled, chores to be done. I’ve made a menu of what’s for dinner this week. The first time in a long time. When my wife was alive and home we had a menu for every meal. I kept that up for a good while, even after she passed. Inertia eventually grabbed me.

The beast in the house at the moment is clutter. It was a failing in my marriage. It’s a failing now. At least I realize what’s going on. As soon as I eat breakfast, I’m going to get busy. I suppose I need a schedule for that, too. I should set aside one day a week for housekeeping although I think if I put things up when I was finished with them that would help, but what are counters for if not to put things on them? And walls, too, are they not specifically designed to be leaned against?

Anyway, that’s where I stand at the moment. The day outside is warm and gray, and I feel a little warm and gray, too. Nothing serious, things are just lacking a little sparkle. Experience has shown, however, if I want sparkle, I should just sparkle, do something. Beat back the ennui. Keep it at bay. Move. Groove. Call someone. Laugh. Turn up the music. If there’s no sun to shine, make my own sun. Maybe see if I can make some mischief.