Gatewood Press

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New Leaf

It’s only two data points, but I feel as though 2022 may be the year my party animal alter ego breaks out. First there was New Year’s Eve where we danced and sang in the New Year. Then last night I helped a five-year-old celebrate her birthday. Granted, it was a rescheduled party, it was for a five-year old, but it was a party, and it was on Friday, and we had fun. That’s two Fridays in a row and the new year is barely two weeks old.

Of course, experience has shown that good parties are hard to come by. Typically, they just happen. A bunch of people get together, the chemistry is just right, and there’s a party to be remembered. On the other hand, a bunch of people can get together, there’s no chemistry, and it’s just an unconnected group of folks standing around with the lights on struggling to find something to talk about with someone asking to turn the music down. Or, also, as I’ve learned, you can throw a party, and no one comes. My late wife and I did that once when I was in college. It’s a humbling experience.

Anyway, I’ve decided to leave my Eeyore costume at home this year and try to be more like Tigger, or maybe just open myself up to the possibility of being bouncy or at least be someone people like to be around. I think that means smiling and laughing a bit and being a good listener because conversations generally need listeners more than talkers. And I’m okay with being the guy who goes, wow, that sounds like fun, then shutting up. So, henceforth, I shall be the giver of approbation, and just keep my glass full, thanks.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale