Gatewood Press

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Night Thoughts 2

Yesterday, I talked about how to wait for an answer. Today, it’s what happens when you get it. Yes, is easy. You smile and get busy. No, is harder. I never wanted to hear the word in sales. But it was almost always a steppingstone to yes, because if I could understand how I got the no, I could figure out how to find the yes. I parlayed that to a fair amount of success. I sold a lot of books, and afterwards I built a small company.

On the personal side, no is harder, because, well, it’s personal. And it can hurt when you hear it or feel it. Although, if you’re a subscriber to the idea that no one can make you happy, it’s your responsibility, then no is just no. It’s disappointing, but no worlds will end. Life will go on. The sun will rise and set. And that’s an old man’s lesson, because as a kid no can seem like the end of the world. You’re devastated at a rebuffed friendship or love. And the world is dark.

And that’s a weird reversal, too. Because as a kid you should feel your life is stretching out before you and there will be lots of other opportunities. While as an adult you know it might be almost over and should feel panicked that time has slipped away. I guess in the journey from young to old, the old man learns panic is never the answer. He learns he has to posses his happiness. And he learns he has to carry it with him and make the most of it since no one is guaranteed anything, much less time.