Gatewood Press

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Odds and Ends

We had another good rain last night just as I was falling asleep. But these little pop up thunderstorms are deceptive. While I got rain, I’m pretty sure it missed a lot of my neighbors. We need a big system to come in, one that blankets the region and pours down rain on the watersheds. Of course, I’ll accept my luck and nurture my trees and do my best to help them keep as much water as they can store.

Lucky for me I mowed yesterday, although our soil is such that I could mow five minutes after a rain, and I’d be okay. It’s nothing like the gumbo in Houston where I’d sink up to my axel if I tried to mow after a rain. Hooray for sand. Of course, rain still softens the soil so I might get out this morning and attack a little flower bed that has been demanding my attention. Then I can scratch that off my to-do list.

Speaking of which, I typed up a brand new list. I did the same thing last year when I felt overwhelmed with work around the house. You’d be surprised how much a list helps to shrink the seemingly overwhelming to something more manageable. Why just yesterday I struck three things off the list, and I’ll do more today. And don’t I feel powerful and emboldened? Yes, I do. I just wish I could be more consistent in that regard. But perhaps it’s good to have goals, something to strive for, to keep you moving, and help you remember your shortcomings.