Gatewood Press

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One Thing

A while back my weight made itself down to around 175. The diet I was following to feed my late wife worked wonders for me. At one point I was at 205. The new weight was about what I carried as a young man. As an old man, however, I thought that low weight made me look a little gaunt and I didn’t like it. So, I headed back to 185 and that’s where I’ve stayed mostly. I eat pretty well, avoid sweets, go slow with alcohol, and get in a fair amount of exercise.

Of course, I have a sweet tooth, and every once in a while, I surrender to it. Mainly with cookies. And sometimes with ice cream. I try to exercise discipline, however, and avoid eating all the ice cream or cookies in one sitting, which I’ve been known to do. A bag of jellybeans in the house, for instance, will flash in and out of existence in a heartbeat. No discipline there.

I say all this because I bought a box of Blue Bell Krunch bars yesterday to replace the box obliterated by my daughter and granddaughter during their recent visit. I ate two last night, to catch up, and now I’ll see how long I can go before the box is empty. And it’s sort of funny the lengths I go to in an effort to exercise discipline, keep my mind sharp, and find something to write about. But here we are at the end. You now know my weight and one thing I have in my freezer, for now. Peace, y’all.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale