Gatewood Press

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Rainy Day

It’s raining. And I was going to say outside, but where else would it be raining except outside. So, why mention it. I guess that’s the essence of writing, leaving out the superfluous. But back to the rain. It’s light, a drizzle really. There was talk it might be heavy, but it seems it was mostly talk. The tropical storm is storming for someone else. It’s a long hurricane season, however, so we have until November. Here’s hoping the lakes hold out.

Meanwhile, they’re developing the Hill Country. Subdivisions are cropping up all over along with luxury resorts. In fact, almost everything these days is luxury. No surprise. How much money can you make selling affordable homes. Of course, it doesn’t appear anyone knows where water comes from. They seem to believe we have an endless supply. And maybe we do, and maybe it’s simply a matter of money. I guess we’ll see when they get done punching holes in the various aquifers.

And, wow, that sounds depressing, but I’m not really depressed, just thoughtful. It’s partly an outcrop of the time I’ve spent recently revisiting my past and trying to figure out why I think like I think. Looking at my influences. And it’s given me a nice perspective as to why and how other people might come to different conclusions than me about various problems and issues. People come into the world at different times in different places with different parents and they learn different things. And that’s good because think how boring it would be if we all thought alike. We’d be drones and what fun would that be? None.