Gatewood Press

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Road Trip

Gray skies promised rain all day yesterday. Gray skies failed to deliver. I guess they had business elsewhere. It made for a cool day if nothing else. And that was nice because I went to sit outside with a friend at Luckenbach and listen to a little music for a bit. It was low key. I drank a soda. He drank tea. We both left at the break. It was cloudy skies all the way home.

Today I’m getting ready for a drive to Houston to see a doctor. Nothing serious. Just my ENT guy because I have allergy questions and I think it’s time for a robust discussion. And, as a side benefit, it will give me something to do, and I’m always in need of something to do, anything to keep my mind occupied and stop it from wandering around in the void left by my departed wife and that’s a considerable blank space.

I’ve done fairly well this Christmas season in filling that gap. I’ve decorated the house to the nines. I’ve had people over. I’ll probably have more. I guess you can say I’m getting busy making new memories. It seems a useful thing to do. After all, I have a good foundation. I’ll just stack them right on top. And tonight, I’ll stay with the little grandkids and they’re all about the future. They’ll be glad to see me and I them. We’ll cuddle and hug and life will be good and I’ll take some of that sweetness home and it will help me carry on.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale