Gatewood Press

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There was thunder, lightning, and rain yesterday. I measured .20 of an inch. Hardly record setting but a good start to what might prove a rainy week. We need it. The airy is muggy this morning. I like that. It’s good for your skin and your body. Moisture. It helps. We’re 98% water. I think it’s a good idea to remember that. I guess that’s why we crave lakes and rivers, oceans, and pools. It reminds of us of whence we came. The ocean.

Talked to my doctor about my CT scan. The AAA is growing, and I’m a candidate for a stent graft, which means he won’t have to open my belly. He wants to check, however, and make sure there’s not an infection in the aneurysm. So, it’s more blood work for me next week. I’m pretty sure it’s okay. Of all the things that pain me these days, there’s nothing in that area. It seems weird to think an aneurysm could have an infection, but bacteria want to live like the rest of us, so I guess they’re always scouting out places to set up shop.

Meanwhile, my life goes on. Music tonight. Lunch with friends tomorrow. Dinner in the evening with other friends. I have to say it seems a fairly complete and relatively satisfying life. Other than my medical issues and the recent death of my wife I have no complaints. In this, the final stage of my journey through the universe, I seem to have washed up on friendly shores. Gracious me. I do believe it’s safe to say I have a satisfied mind. And that has to be a gift of some kind.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale