Gatewood Press

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School Day

Lucky me. I have bus duty this morning. Two passengers. The trip is short. But we have fun on the way, and it’s a nice start to the day. You may have gathered, I’m in Houston with the grandkids. I came into town for a family gathering on Saturday and decided to hang around until next weekend when I fly solo with the grandkids while their mom visits their dad in Washington D.C. where he’s on orders from the US Army.

The party was a great start. My niece is on her way to the UK to study. It’s my wife’s side of the family. Two brothers and a sister with kids. It was good to see everyone, catch up, and it included a potential new addition to the clan. Yesterday was a lazy, post-party day. I took the grandson for a long bike ride. I walked. He rode. In the afternoon I took the granddaughter to the mall for lunch and shopping. It was quite the time. Crowded, but enjoyable.

Today, I’m off to see about my car. It’s making a noise I don’t like. It will end up costing me money, I’m sure, but almost anything to do with cars costs money, and I need it, the car. So, my options are rather constrained. Luckily, it’s Houston and there are lots of options and the dealership I picked is way closer than any dealer near my current hometown. People may gripe about city living, but when it comes to getting things done, there’s a real plus to it. Proximity and choices. I’ll take it. For now. I need it.