Gatewood Press

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Shots, Shots, Shots

Got my flu shot yesterday. Should have done so in October. I got sidetracked. But, better late than never. I even got the senior dose. Since I just had a bout of COVID I’m semi-protected on that front although the virus is proving highly adaptable with lots of mutations. RSV is now a concern for me since I’m an elder, so I will probably get that vaccine in January. Wow. Shots, shots, shots and not the kind to get the party bouncing.

Oh well, I’m doing what I can. Maybe that’s why most elder folks start staying home. Too many bugs in the environment. People are nice, but they’re germy. But I’m doing what I can to boost my immune system. Exercise, vitamins, and diet. Plus, regular doctor visits. I get all sorts of stay well advice. Still, you can’t deny that isolation is one easy way to avoid a virus. I mean, it’s not like they can walk up and knock on your door. They need a host, and we’re it.

On the other hand, a little exposure to all these bugs can help the immune system keep track of the threats. So, there’s an argument for getting out. And at this point, I’m just trying to be sensible. And I enjoy listening to music and being with my friends and given my general health I feel fairly comfortable. And that was a lot to write just because I mentioned I got a flu shot, but that’s how this little exercise of mine goes. I say something and words pore out. And now I find myself close to my allotted number of words. So, I’ll say goodbye and see you tomorrow.