Gatewood Press

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Sweet Deal

Crape Myrtle in the morning sun.

It rained again last night, or maybe early this morning. Anyway, right now the sun is out, and as I stood in the drive admiring the cool air, a breeze blew through. It ruffled the thick foliage of the crape myrtle and lacy oaks, and as it did, little rain showers descended from each of the trees, backlit by the morning sun. I wanted to catch it on film, but its only in my minds eye, a little flash of beauty to start the day.

A lot of life is like that. A ray of sun catches something at a perfect angle. There’s a sweet smile just for you. A bit of melody plays out. A song’s words ring true. Some food goes down just right. A child invites you to share a desert. A friend invites you to dinner. A sweet memory appears. A bit of anticipation wells up. A moment of satisfaction settles in. A cat comes to sit in your lap. A friend comes to sit beside you. Someone says thank you. A compliment is sent your way.

I know life is harder than we like to admit, but generally, it’s a pretty sweet deal when you get right down to it. There’s a lot to love, way more than the few items mentioned above. It’s just that sometimes the hard parts can be really hard. Hard enough that no amount of effort seems to matter until suddenly it does and the clouds lift and the sun shines, and a shower of rain falls down from a tree just in time for you to see it, and you’re in love again with life.